何焱森 字伯述。年四十岁。生于广州。永久通信处。北京保安寺街三水会馆。已婚。子一。女一。初学于广东时敏学堂。光緖三十三年。毕业于京师大学堂。授举人。及内阁中书。农工商部七品小京官。光緖三十四年。以官费游美。入屋雷冈大学。习法律。宣统三年。入西北大学。习教育及经济。民国二年。得硕士学位。为留美学生会。及世界会会员。中国学生分会书记。华侨学堂教员。民国二年。回国。任中美油矿处勘矿主任。民国五年。任北京广东学校校长。著有中西教育概论。现时通信处。香港文咸街交通银行。

Ho, Yen-Sun.-Born in Canton, 1877. Married. Studied at Shih Min School, Canton, 1899-1910; at Government University, Peking, 1902-7. Chu Jen, 1907. Was member of Nei-Kuo and Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. Arrived in America, April, 1908. Govern- ment support. Studied Law at the University of Oregon, 1908-11; Educa-tion and Economics at Northwestern University, 1911-13. M.A., 1913. Secretary, Chinese Students' Club, 1909-10. Member, Cosmopolitan Club, 1912-13. Instructor, Chinese Public School, Portland, Oregon, 1908-10. Returned to China, November, 1913. Manager, Oil Administration, Peking, 1914-15. Principal, Kwungtnng School, Peking, 1916. Author, "Chinese Education from Western Viewpoint", R. McNally Co., 1913.
