席德柄 字彬儒。年二十六岁。生于上海。父裕光。本籍住址。上海白克路五百七十九号。已婚。初学于上海绳正学堂。华童公学。及南洋公学。屡得优奖。宣统元年。自费游美。继补官费。入三一学校。习理科。宣统二年。入麻省工业学校。习卫生工程。民国三年。得学士学位。为麻省工业学校中国学生会书记副会长及会长。世界会书记。民国三年。赴英国。入北明翰大学商科。民国四年。得有毕业文凭。回国。任北京淸华学校测量员及卫生工程师。现时通信处。北京淸华学校。

His, Turpin P.-Born in Shanghai, 1891. Married, 1917. Studied at Shun Cheng School, Shanghai, 1900-3; at Public School, Shanghai, 1903-6; at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1906-9. Won many prizes as a student. Arrived in America, August, 1909. Partial Government Support. Studied Science at Trinity College, 1909-10; Sanitary Engineering at Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology, 1910-14. S.B., 1914. Secretary, M. I. T. Chinese Students' Club, 1911-12 and Vice-President and President, 1912-13. Secretary, M. I. T. Cosmopolitan Club, 1913-14. Studied Commerce at Birmingham University, England, 1914-15. Awarded Graduate's Commerce Diploma, 1915. Returned to China, September, 1915. Surveyor and Sanitary Engineer, Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1915 to date.
