马国骥 字绍良。年二十九岁。生于上海。父伯畬。业商。已婚。女一。初学于上海圣约翰大学。以演说得金牌奖。又以学绩。得伦贝子奖牌。光緖三十四年。毕业。得学士学位。任该校教员。为约翰声编辑。又任松江府中学校教员。及上海商务印书馆编辑。宣统三年。肄业北京淸华学校。民国二年。毕业。以官费游美。入哈佛大学。习政治法律。民国四年。得硕士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。为哈佛外交学会会员。美国国际法学会会员。美国政治学会会员。民国五年回国。任美国派赴淸华学校交换演讲教员麦克洛君书记。民国六年。任武昌高等师范学校斋务长及教员。通信处。上海蔓盘路鑫益里四百九六十号。

Ma, K. S.-Born in Shanghai, 1888. Married, 1910. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-9; at Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1911-13. A.B., 1909. Awarded gold medal for oratory and Prince Pulun's Medal for general excellence, St. John's University, 1907. Instructor: St. John's Uni-versity, 1908-9; Sung Kiang Middle School, 1909-10. Editor: St. John's Echo, 1908-9; Commercial Press, 1910-11. Arrived in America, September, 1913. Government support. Studied Law and Government at Harvard University, 1913-15; at Columbia University, 1915. A.M., 1915. Member: Harvard Diplomatic Club, 1913; American Society of International Law, 1914; American Political Science Association, 1916. Returned to China, July, 1916. Secretary to Prof. R. M. McElroy, first Exchange Professor to China, 1916. Teacher and Proctor, Government Teachers' College, Wuchang, 1917.
