陈天骥 字公亮。年二十三岁。生于上海。本籍住址。上海南城乔家栅七号。未婚。初学于上海南洋中学。民立中学。及圣约翰大学。宣统二年。以官费游美。入米西根大学。习土木工程。民国元年。入理海大学。民国三年。得土木工程师学位。民国四年。入哥仑比亚大学。为理海工程师会会员。留美学生月报副经理。民国四年冬。回国。民国五年。任唐山路矿学校教员。现时通信处。直隶唐山工业专门学校。

Chun, T. C.-Born in Shanghai, 1894. Studied at Nanyang High School and Min-Li High School, Shanghai, 1906-9; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1909-10. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government sup-port. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan, 1910-12; at Lehigh University, 1912-14; at Columbia University, 1915. C.E., 1914.Member, Civil Engineering Society of Lehigh. Assistant Manager, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1914-15. Returned to China, November, 1915. Professor of English and Economics, Tangshan Railway and Engineering College, 1916 to date.
